11 June 2019
It’s finally here! The iOS version of Reading Quantified.
Here’s a video demonstrating its capabilities:
The UI is pretty barebones at the moment. The goal was to focus on the features I’ve been most particularly interested in, which are centered around two views:
The app communicates with the REST API server using a network abstraction library called Moya. Access to the REST APIs require a JSON Web Token, which is generated for a valid username and password. The data are then stored locally in a Realm database.
The app also attempts to use software design best practices for Swift. (The keyword is attempts…. :)) This includes using an MVVM architecture, Swinject for dependency injection, and RxSwift to communicate changes between logically separated portions of the app.
Here’s a high-level diagram that illustrates the architecture:
This is just the beginning of the project’s iOS journey. Expect enhancements and new features!